Clubs & Enrichment
Team Ipsley enrichment guarantee
Our enrichment programme develops leadership skills and prepares pupils for the world beyond school. We enable pupils to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge so they can thrive in continuing education, the world of work and in society.
Below are a few roles pupils can take up to continue their development:
- Young Leaders
- Student Council
- Student Leaders
- Sports Leaders
- Happy, Healthy & Safe Team
CRST enrichment guarantee
Central Region Schools Trust (CRST) offer an extensive range of enrichment activities to enhance learning in each school. They aim for immersive external experiences and excellence in their enrichment programmes. This entitlement includes:
- Opportunities to access and participate in visits to theatres, galleries and cultural events
- Work directly with arts practitioners and designers, sporting experts and the like
- Aim to ensure entitlement of offer to experience a residential stay
- Participate in projects for the local and wider community
- Have access to a variety of careers talks, workplace and university visits, and work experience
A list of trips & experiences that we have offered Team Ipsley pupils this academic year can be found below:
- Annual safeguarding assembly (DSL & Senior DSL)
- Be You project
- Big Bang Show for KS2 & KS3 pupils
- Bletchley Park for Year 6
- Cadbury World trip for Year 5
- Charity Week
- Chester residential for Year 7
- Christ Church lunches
- Christingle for Year 5 & 7
- Christmas celebrations with Parents/Carers for Year 5
- Christmas dinners
- Community Café (Summer 2024)
- Community Café (Winter 2023)
- CRST Maths challenge at Arrow Vale High School
- CRST Olympics
- Dudley Zoo & Castle
- End of year choir performance
- Greek day for Year 5
- Guru Nanak Gurdwara visit for Year 7
- Habberley Trail for Year 7
- Humanutopia for KS3
- KS2 District Athletics
- KS2 settling-in evening
- KS3 District Athletics
- KS3 Science experience at South Bromsgrive High School (Space & Rockets)
- Moneyminds workshop for Year 5
- Morgan Stanley
- Musical instrument lessons
- Opal Coast trip for Year 7
- Open Evening 2023
- Parents Evenings
- Peaceful protest during morning mile
- Pioneer residential for Year 6
- Planetarium for Year 5
- Rainforest animal experience for Year 6
- RE dropdown day
- Red Nose Day 2024
- Remembrance service
- Road Safety assembly (PCSO’s)
- SATs awards ceremony/celebration
- SATs information evening for Year 6
- Science experience at Arrow Vale (Forensic)
- Severn Trent assembly
- Shrewsbury Prison for Year 6
- Sports days
- St. Peter’s Church for Year 5, 6 & 8
- STEM day for Year 7
- STEM workshop for KS2
- Swimming lessons
- The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe for Year 7
- The Victorians day for Year 6
- Transition days
- Transition evenings
- Worcester Cathedral visit for Year 7
- Worcester Theatre - You in?
- Worcestershire Minor Counties Athletics competition
- Worcestershire Skills Show for Year 8
- World Book Day 2024
- WW1 experience for Year 6
- Year 6 SATs celebrations with parents and carers
- Year 8 graduation celebrations with parents and carers
- You Are Awesome resilience for KS2
- Young Citizen’s Challenge for Year 6
A list of clubs & activities that we have offered Team Ipsley pupils this academic year can be found below:
- Art & Design
- Athletics
- Basketball
- Bouldering
- Buddy/Friendship
- Choir
- Cooking
- Drama & PA
- Fitness
- Football
- Gardening
- Hockey
- Kickboxing (externally led)
- Mindfulness colouring
- Netball
- Prayer (externally led)
- Puzzle
- Quidditch
- Rounders
- Running
- Scrabble
- Tag rugby
- Tennis
- Ukulele
- Volleyball
- Your Ideas (SEND & DVPP)