School Vision and Values
We are proud of our Christian distinctiveness and our Christian belief and ethos can be seen in all aspects of school life at Ipsley, from the tone of our relationships with each other to the curriculum studied. We aim to promote Christian values, moral strength and spiritual depth.
The report from our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) in March 2024 can be found below which finds that we are living up to our foundation as a Church school.
As you will read in the report, the inspector really captured the incredible culture we have here at Ipsley.
Our vision
As Team Ipsley, we strive to create a community where all flourish, following God’s example by loving each other as He loves us. Together, we become the best versions of ourselves by being ambitious, courageous and kind, creating a community which can achieve anything we set our minds to.
Our values
We seek wisdom and develop resilience through our ambitious curriculum, enabling all to thrive. Respect and hope inspire us to be courageous in our learning and our relationships, ensuring that we all lead fulfilled lives. By practising love and forgiveness, we can make our community, and the world, a kinder place.
Religious Education at Ipsley C of E Middle School
As a positive and caring learning community, our pupils are ambitious to discover and know more about the diverse world around them. We embrace our Christian values and ensure all pupils demonstrate tolerance and respect of world views as they explore our multicultural local, national and global community. Pupils are courageous as they explore their own faith and values, developing the knowledge and skills needed to explore questions raised by religion and belief and thus reflect on their own views. Through a thought-provoking, ambitious and knowledge-rich curriculum, pupils explore the joys, spiritual development and challenges faced by followers of different beliefs, enabling them to demonstrate kindness as they flourish in their empathy.
Religious Education at Ipsley is inclusive of all faiths and none. At Ipsley, we follow the agreed Worcestershire syllabus.
Collective Worship at Ipsley C of E Middle School
Collective worship is the heartbeat of our school, where we gather together to think, praise and give thanks together as we explore our school vision and the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.
We serve our community and are determined to effectively prepare pupils for life in the real world, supported in the belief of Christian love.
Our Collective Worship offer is inclusive of a variety of world views and offers further opportunity for reflection and contemplation. It is invitational, inclusive and inspiring.
Please see our Collective Worship policy here.
Right to withdraw from RE and Collective Worship
If you would like to consider withdrawing your child from RE or Collective Worship at Ipsley C of E Middle School, please contact the Principal, Miss Saul, to discuss the matter further.
Reflection Collective Worship
Reflection is important to allow pupils and staff to contemplate and grow spiritually, while considering their actions and thoughts and how they impact on themselves and others. We provide various opportunities for reflection and prayer through our daily Collective Worship.
Each week, the pupils will have the opportunity to reflect on the key messages and Bible verses that have been introduced to them. The reflection session will allow pupils the opportunity to consider how it may apply to them and encourage them to make positive changes that will enable them to be the best versions of themselves. They will also be encouraged to consider how they can use their voice to support others.
‘Spirituality is the space between the everyday and the extraordinary.’
Spirituality is part of each and every member of Team Ipsley, whether they are a person of faith or none. For a person of faith, every aspect of spirituality will have a connection with their belief.
At its core, spiritual development should:
- Enable all pupils and adults to grow and flourish
- Provide opportunities to stop, think and question
- Help make sense of the world in which we live and to understand our place within it
At Team Ipsley, spirituality is all about connections and the way we look at the world. We look at this in 4 ways:
- Connections with yourself
- Connections with others
- Connections with beauty
- Connections with ‘something greater than ourselves’
As part of our weekly worship, pupils will have the opportunity to develop spirituality in sessions that build on our worship focus for that week. We understand that, as we are all individuals, we will not all respond to the same things in the same way. Therefore, sessions will incorporate a range of stimuli throughout the year.
Young Leaders
The Young Leaders at Ipsley are a group of pupils who celebrate, explore and implement our Christian vision within the school and the wider community. In a bid to create a fairer and more just world, the group take a lead in learning about local and global issues whilst understanding their Christian responsibility to act as advocates for change and tackle these problems.
The Young Leaders are able to participate in many activities throughout the year both inside and outside of school, including taking an active role in fundraising and collective worship. Activities such as these provide opportunities for these pupils to live out our core value of community in a practical way.